SeeClear Counselling-Anxiety Specialist
Based in Poole, Dorset
Tel 07975 733029


One-on-one counseling can help you overcome your anxiety, but it may not the best option for you right now.
This could be due to financial limitations, lack of time, or a preference for self-help.
The courses or free resources can be beneficial in understanding anxiety, learning skills and techniques to manage it, and finding inner peace.

Get ready to build your own Anxiety Relief Tool Box from the comfort of your home in just 6 weeks!
By the end of the course, you'll have a better understanding of your anxiety, know how to relax and live in the moment, and have a toolbox of tools to help you better manage your anxiety. With fully guided video tutorials, workbooks, and practice exercises, you'll learn essential skills to reduce your feelings of anxiety and those scary physical symptoms.
Don't wait, start using these easy-to-follow techniques today!​
By the end of the 6 weeks you will have an easy to use Tool Box of exercises you can use to gain relief from anxiety
Weeks 1 & 3 focus on breathing & grounding techniques and mindfulness exercises that help you feel calm and relaxed & take away that 'on edge' feeling.
Weeks 3 & 4 tell you what do to when this happens so you can calm yourself more quickly and stop the panic attacks.
Weeks 2 & 5 guide you through proven techniques that help you manage your thoughts so they don't get out of control.
This is not a substitute for counselling, but you can learn some essential skills to help calm you down in moments of anxiety or panic.
Fully guided video tutorials, workbooks and practice exercises help you learn the skills in an easy and simple format that you can start to use straight away to reduce your feelings of anxiety and those scary physical symptoms.​​
Course feedback
"I already knew some of these things but didnt know how to use them to help me calm my anxiety when it was happening, This course gave me some easy to follow techniques that I can use in those moments-they really work"
"The video tutorials are very helpful, I also like my handy reminder card"
"I have been filling in my diary and practicing my breathing day and night and I really feel this is making a difference to the start of my day, thank-you"
"This is really helpful, especially as I can download things and work at my own pace"